opmnctl: opmn start failed – from ONS port conflict

It is funny when I ran "opmnctl startall" and saw  "opmnctl: opmn start failed" in the screen. ONS (oracle name service) port conflict is the reason this time.
Note: it is not the only reason. You have to check out your logs to see what goes wrong. The first log in troubleshooting OPMN is $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/ipm.log then the latest logs there.
> opmnctl startall
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes…
opmnctl: opmn start failed
> opmnctl start opmn
opmnctl: opmn start failed
1) Check out logs
I found someone else occupied port number which oracle notification server (ONS) supposed to use .
> cd  $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs
> tail -10 ons.log
08/06/20 17:49:20 [4] ONS server initiated
08/06/20 17:49:20 [2] BIND (Address already in use)
08/06/20 17:49:20 [2] – listener BIND failed
08/06/20 17:49:20 [4] Listener thread -203437152: (0x442) terminating
08/06/20 17:49:20 [1] Local listener terminated
08/06/20 17:49:54 [4] ONS server initiated
08/06/20 17:49:54 [2] BIND (Address already in use)
08/06/20 17:49:54 [2] – listener BIND failed
08/06/20 17:49:54 [4] Listener thread -201921632: (0x442) terminating
08/06/20 17:49:54 [1] Local listener terminated
Haha, is there anybody using that port already?
> netstat -an |grep 6102
tcp        0      0                  ESTABLISHED
And what is my port number?
> grep 6102 $ORACLE_HOME/install/*.ini
Oracle Notification Server Local port = 6102
2) Change port number in my Oracle application server
Stop all processes 
> opmnctl stopall /*skip because it is down now */
> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
Stopping Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control …  …  Stopped.
Change port number in opmn.xml
> vi $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
grep -i local $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
      <port local="6106" remote="6201" request="6006"/>

> opmnctl start
opmnctl: opmn started

Update opmn configuration
> opmnctl reload
opmnctl: reconfiguring opmn…
opmnctl: opmn reloaded successfully…
> opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes…
> opmnctl startall
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes…
Update DCM, not only works for opmn component, hehe
> $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig -ct opmn
Use non-default port number in application server is better idea when working on shared server.  Too many hands always give you surprise.

About Pang

Oracle DBA working in database, fusion middleware and identity management and cloud.
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2 Responses to opmnctl: opmn start failed – from ONS port conflict

  1. fabian says:

    I really liked ur post..it was very helpful for me..keep posting..

  2. Manohar says:

    Great Post, its really helpful.
    Thanks a Ton..!!

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